Addiction, Sex, Infectious Diseases (ASID) Lab
Journal Publications
Jones A.A., Schneider K.E., *Mahlobo C, Maggs J.L., Dayton L, Tobin, K.E, Latkin, C.A. (2022). Fentanyl overdose concerns among people who inject drugs: The role of sex/gender, racial minority status, and overdose prevention efforts. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Advance online publication.
*Hard, G. A., Jones, A. A., *Das, A., & Johnson, J. K. (2022). Medical marijuana laws (MMLs) and adolescent alcohol use initiation. Cannabis, 5(2),
Davey-Rothwell, M., Owczarzak, J., Collins, K., Dolcini, M.M., Tobin, K., Mitchell, F., Jones, A.A., & Latkin, C. (2021). Lessons learned from implementing the shield intervention: A peer education intervention for people who use drugs. AIDS and Behavior, 1-10.
Jones, A.A., Park, J.N., Allen S.A., Schneider, K.E, Weir, B.W., Hunt, D, Sherman, S. G. (2021). Racial differences in overdose training, naloxone possession, and naloxone administration among clients and non-clients of a syringe services program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 129, 108412.
Dayton L, Gicquelais R, Tobin K, Davey-Rothwell M, Falade-Nwulia O, Kong X, Fingerhood M, Jones A. A., Latkin C. (2019). More than just access: Who obtains and who administers take-home naloxone in Baltimore, MD. PLOS One 14(11), e0224686.

Jones, A. A., Schneider, K. E., Brighthaupt, S. C., Johnson, J. K., Linton, S. L., & Johnson, R. M. (2019). Heroin and nonmedical prescription opioid use among high school students in urban school districts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 205, 107664.
Brighthaupt, S.C., Schneider, K.E., Johnson, J.K., Jones, A.A., Johnson, R.M. (2019). Trends in Adolescent Heroin and Injection Drug Use in Nine Urban Centers in the U.S., 1999-2017. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(2), 210-215.
Jones, A. A., Gerke, T, Striley, C. W., Osborne, V, Whitehead, N, Cottler, L. B. (2019). A longitudinal analysis of the substance abuse, violence, and HIV/AIDS (SAVA) syndemic among women in the criminal justice system. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 51(1), 58-67.
Jones, A. A, Dyer, T. V., Das, A., Lasopa, S. O., Striley, C. W., & Cottler, L. B. (2018). Risky sexual behaviors, substance use, and perceptions of risky behaviors among criminal justice involved women who trade sex. Journal of Drug Issues, 49(1), 15-27.
Jones, A. A., O’Leary, C. C., Striley, C. W., Gerke, T., Crecelius, R., Sullivan, J., & Cottler, L. B. (2018). Substance use, victimization, HIV/AIDS risk, and recidivism among females in a therapeutic justice program. Journal of Substance Use, 23(4), 415-421.
Honors and Awards
2021 Outstanding Aluma Award, College of Public Health and Health Professions, University of Florida
2021 Bridge Fellowship Program, HIV Prevention Trials Network
2019 Opioid Overdose Working Group Travel Award, BAHI, JHU
2019 NIDA Diversity Scholar
2018 Achievement Recognition, Biomedical Scholars Association/DPAC, JHU
2018 Abstract of Distinction, Society for Prevention Research
2018 CPDD Media Forum, research selected to be highlighted during the 80th CPDD
2017 Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse Travel Award
2017 Best Poster Award, Johns Hopkins University’s Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Annual Conference
2017 NIDA Director’s Travel Award